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This page lists some institutions and projects which are using HBase. To have your organization added, file a documentation JIRA or email hbase-dev with the relevant information. If you notice out-of-date information, use the same avenues to report it.

These items are user-submitted and the HBase team assumes no responsibility for their accuracy.

We currently have about 30 nodes running HDFS, Hadoop and HBase in clusters ranging from 5 to 14 nodes on both production and development. We plan a deployment on an 80 nodes cluster. We are using HBase in several areas from social services to structured data and processing for internal use. We constantly write data to HBase and run mapreduce jobs to process then store it back to HBase or external systems. Our production cluster has been running since Oct 2008.
Project Astro
Astro provides fast Spark SQL/DataFrame capabilities to HBase data, featuring super-efficient access to multi-dimensional HBase rows through native Spark execution in HBase coprocessor plus systematic and accurate partition pruning and predicate pushdown from arbitrarily complex data filtering logic. The batch load is optimized to run on the Spark execution engine. Note that Spark-SQL-on-HBase is the release site. Interested parties are free to make clones and claim to be "latest(and active)", but they are not endorsed by the owner.
Axibase Time Series Database (ATSD)
ATSD runs on top of HBase to collect, analyze and visualize time series data at scale. ATSD capabilities include optimized storage schema, built-in rule engine, forecasting algorithms (Holt-Winters and ARIMA) and next-generation graphics designed for high-frequency data. Primary use cases: IT infrastructure monitoring, data consolidation, operational historian in OPC environments.
Benipal Technologies
We have a 35 node cluster used for HBase and Mapreduce with Lucene / SOLR and katta integration to create and finetune our search databases. Currently, our HBase installation has over 10 Billion rows with 100s of datapoints per row. We compute over 1018 calculations daily using MapReduce directly on HBase. We heart HBase.
BigSecret is a security framework that is designed to secure Key-Value data, while preserving efficient processing capabilities. It achieves cell-level security, using combinations of different cryptographic techniques, in an efficient and secure manner. It provides a wrapper library around HBase.
Accelerated hiring platform for HiTech companies. We use HBase and Hadoop for all aspects of our backend - job and company data storage, analytics processing, machine learning algorithms for our hire recommendation engine. Our live production site is directly served from HBase. We use cascading for running offline data processing jobs.
Celer Technologies
Celer Technologies is a global financial software company that creates modular-based systems that have the flexibility to meet tomorrow's business environment, today. The Celer framework uses Hadoop/HBase for storing all financial data for trading, risk, clearing in a single data store. With our flexible framework and all the data in Hadoop/HBase, clients can build new features to quickly extract data based on their trading, risk and clearing activities from one single location.
EsgynDB, powered by Apache Trafodion™, provides enterprise SQL on Hadoop. It includes full ACID transactions, online transaction processing and online analytic processing, along with enterprise features such as disaster recovery and full backup/restore. Native tables are stored in HBase, but read and write access to various other file formats such as Apache Parquet and ORC is also supported.
Explorys uses an HBase cluster containing over a billion anonymized clinical records, to enable subscribers to search and analyze patient populations, treatment protocols, and clinical outcomes.
Facebook uses HBase to power their Messages infrastructure.
Filmweb is a film web portal with a large dataset of films, persons and movie-related entities. We have just started a small cluster of 3 HBase nodes to handle our web cache persistency layer. We plan to increase the cluster size, and also to start migrating some of the data from our databases which have some demanding scalability requirements.
Flurry provides mobile application analytics. We use HBase and Hadoop for all of our analytics processing, and serve all of our live requests directly out of HBase on our 50 node production cluster with tens of billions of rows over several tables.
GumGum is an In-Image Advertising Platform. We use HBase on an 15-node Amazon EC2 High-CPU Extra Large (c1.xlarge) cluster for both real-time data and analytics. Our production cluster has been running since June 2010.
Helprace is a customer service platform which uses Hadoop for analytics and internal searching and filtering. Being on HBase we can share our HBase and Hadoop cluster with other Hadoop processes - this particularly helps in keeping community speeds up. We use Hadoop and HBase on small cluster with 4 cores and 32 GB RAM each.
HubSpot is an online marketing platform, providing analytics, email, and segmentation of leads/contacts. HBase is our primary datastore for our customers' customer data, with multiple HBase clusters powering the majority of our product. We have nearly 200 regionservers across the various clusters, and 2 hadoop clusters also with nearly 200 tasktrackers. We use c1.xlarge in EC2 for both, but are starting to move some of that to baremetal hardware. We've been running HBase for over 2 years.
Infolinks is an In-Text ad provider. We use HBase to process advertisement selection and user events for our In-Text ad network. The reports generated from HBase are used as feedback for our production system to optimize ad selection.
Kalooga is a discovery service for image galleries. We use Hadoop, HBase and Pig on a 20-node cluster for our crawling, analysis and events processing.
LeanXcale provides an ultra-scalable transactional & SQL database that stores its data on HBase and it is able to scale to 1000s of nodes. It also provides a standalone full ACID HBase with transactions across arbitrary sets of rows and tables.
Mahalo, "...the world's first human-powered search engine". All the markup that powers the wiki is stored in HBase. It's been in use for a few months now. MediaWiki - the same software that power Wikipedia - has version/revision control. Mahalo's in-house editors produce a lot of revisions per day, which was not working well in a RDBMS. An hbase-based solution for this was built and tested, and the data migrated out of MySQL and into HBase. Right now it's at something like 6 million items in HBase. The upload tool runs every hour from a shell script to back up that data, and on 6 nodes takes about 5-10 minutes to run - and does not slow down production at all.
Meetup is on a mission to help the world’s people self-organize into local groups. We use Hadoop and HBase to power a site-wide, real-time activity feed system for all of our members and groups. Group activity is written directly to HBase, and indexed per member, with the member's custom feed served directly from HBase for incoming requests. We're running HBase 0.20.0 on a 11 node cluster.
Mendeley is creating a platform for researchers to collaborate and share their research online. HBase is helping us to create the world's largest research paper collection and is being used to store all our raw imported data. We use a lot of map reduce jobs to process these papers into pages displayed on the site. We also use HBase with Pig to do analytics and produce the article statistics shown on the web site. You can find out more about how we use HBase in the HBase At Mendeley slide presentation.
NGDATA delivers Lily, the consumer intelligence solution that delivers a unique combination of Big Data management, machine learning technologies and consumer intelligence applications in one integrated solution to allow better, and more dynamic, consumer insights. Lily allows companies to process and analyze massive structured and unstructured data, scale storage elastically and locate actionable data quickly from large data sources in near real time.
Ning uses HBase to store and serve the results of processing user events and log files, which allows us to provide near-real time analytics and reporting. We use a small cluster of commodity machines with 4 cores and 16GB of RAM per machine to handle all our analytics and reporting needs.
OCLC uses HBase as the main data store for WorldCat, a union catalog which aggregates the collections of 72,000 libraries in 112 countries and territories. WorldCat is currently comprised of nearly 1 billion records with nearly 2 billion library ownership indications. We're running a 50 Node HBase cluster and a separate offline map-reduce cluster.
OpenLogic stores all the world's Open Source packages, versions, files, and lines of code in HBase for both near-real-time access and analytical purposes. The production cluster has well over 100TB of disk spread across nodes with 32GB+ RAM and dual-quad or dual-hex core CPU's.
Openplaces is a search engine for travel that uses HBase to store terabytes of web pages and travel-related entity records (countries, cities, hotels, etc.). We have dozens of MapReduce jobs that crunch data on a daily basis. We use a 20-node cluster for development, a 40-node cluster for offline production processing and an EC2 cluster for the live web site.
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Hadoop and HBase (Cloudera distribution) are being used within PNNL's Computational Biology & Bioinformatics Group for a systems biology data warehouse project that integrates high throughput proteomics and transcriptomics data sets coming from instruments in the Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory, a US Department of Energy national user facility located at PNNL. The data sets are being merged and annotated with other public genomics information in the data warehouse environment, with Hadoop analysis programs operating on the annotated data in the HBase tables. This work is hosted by olympus, a large PNNL institutional computing cluster, with the HBase tables being stored in olympus's Lustre file system.
|ReadPath uses HBase to store several hundred million RSS items and dictionary for its RSS newsreader. Readpath is currently running on an 8 node cluster.
Career network for the net generation. We use HBase and Hadoop for all aspects of our backend - user and resume data storage, analytics processing, machine learning algorithms for our job recommendation engine. Our live production site is directly served from HBase. We use cascading for running offline data processing jobs.
Runa Inc.
Runa Inc. offers a SaaS that enables online merchants to offer dynamic per-consumer, per-product promotions embedded in their website. To implement this we collect the click streams of all their visitors to determine along with the rules of the merchant what promotion to offer the visitor at different points of their browsing the Merchant website. So we have lots of data and have to do lots of off-line and real-time analytics. HBase is the core for us. We also use Clojure and our own open sourced distributed processing framework, Swarmiji. The HBase Community has been key to our forward movement with HBase. We're looking for experienced developers to join us to help make things go even faster!
Sematext runs Search Analytics, a service that uses HBase to store search activity and MapReduce to produce reports showing user search behaviour and experience. Sematext runs Scalable Performance Monitoring (SPM), a service that uses HBase to store performance data over time, crunch it with the help of MapReduce, and display it in a visually rich browser-based UI. Interestingly, SPM features SPM for HBase, which is specifically designed to monitor all HBase performance metrics.
SocialMedia uses HBase to store and process user events which allows us to provide near-realtime user metrics and reporting. HBase forms the heart of our Advertising Network data storage and management system. We use HBase as a data source and sink for both realtime request cycle queries and as a backend for mapreduce analysis.
Splice Machine
Splice Machine is built on top of HBase. Splice Machine is a full-featured ANSI SQL database that provides real-time updates, secondary indices, ACID transactions, optimized joins, triggers, and UDFs.
Streamy is a recently launched realtime social news site. We use HBase for all of our data storage, query, and analysis needs, replacing an existing SQL-based system. This includes hundreds of millions of documents, sparse matrices, logs, and everything else once done in the relational system. We perform significant in-memory caching of query results similar to a traditional Memcached/SQL setup as well as other external components to perform joining and sorting. We also run thousands of daily MapReduce jobs using HBase tables for log analysis, attention data processing, and feed crawling. HBase has helped us scale and distribute in ways we could not otherwise, and the community has provided consistent and invaluable assistance.
Stumbleupon and use HBase as a real time data storage and analytics platform. Serving directly out of HBase, various site features and statistics are kept up to date in a real time fashion. We also use HBase a map-reduce data source to overcome traditional query speed limits in MySQL.
Shopping Engine at Tokenizer
Shopping Engine at Tokenizer is a web crawler; it uses HBase to store URLs and Outlinks (AnchorText + LinkedURL): more than a billion. It was initially designed as Nutch-Hadoop extension, then (due to very specific 'shopping' scenario) moved to SOLR + MySQL(InnoDB) (ten thousands queries per second), and now - to HBase. HBase is significantly faster due to: no need for huge transaction logs, column-oriented design exactly matches 'lazy' business logic, data compression, !MapReduce support. Number of mutable 'indexes' (term from RDBMS) significantly reduced due to the fact that each 'row::column' structure is physically sorted by 'row'. MySQL InnoDB engine is best DB choice for highly-concurrent updates. However, necessity to flash a block of data to harddrive even if we changed only few bytes is obvious bottleneck. HBase greatly helps: not-so-popular in modern DBMS 'delete-insert', 'mutable primary key', and 'natural primary key' patterns become a big advantage with HBase.
Traackr uses HBase to store and serve online influencer data in real-time. We use MapReduce to frequently re-score our entire data set as we keep updating influencer metrics on a daily basis.
Apache Trafodion™ is a webscale SQL-on-Hadoop solution enabling transactional or operational workloads. It uses HBase as its storage engine for SQL tables.
Trend Micro
Trend Micro uses HBase as a foundation for cloud scale storage for a variety of applications. We have been developing with HBase since version 0.1 and production since version 0.20.0.
Twitter runs HBase across its entire Hadoop cluster. HBase provides a distributed, read/write backup of all mysql tables in Twitter's production backend, allowing engineers to run MapReduce jobs over the data while maintaining the ability to apply periodic row updates (something that is more difficult to do with vanilla HDFS). A number of applications including people search rely on HBase internally for data generation. Additionally, the operations team uses HBase as a timeseries database for cluster-wide monitoring/performance data. is a URL shortener which use 10 nodes HBase cluster to store URLs, Web Log data and response the real-time request on its Web Server. This application is now used for some twitter clients and a number of web sites. Currently API requests are almost 30 per second and web redirection requests are about 300 per second.
Veoh Networks
Veoh Networks uses HBase to store and process visitor (human) and entity (non-human) profiles which are used for behavioral targeting, demographic detection, and personalization services. Our site reads this data in real-time (heavily cached) and submits updates via various batch map/reduce jobs. With 25 million unique visitors a month storing this data in a traditional RDBMS is not an option. We currently have a 24 node Hadoop/HBase cluster and our profiling system is sharing this cluster with our other Hadoop data pipeline processes.
VideoSurf - "The video search engine that has taught computers to see". We're using HBase to persist various large graphs of data and other statistics. HBase was a real win for us because it let us store substantially larger datasets without the need for manually partitioning the data and its column-oriented nature allowed us to create schemas that were substantially more efficient for storing and retrieving data.
Visible Technologies
Visible Technologies uses Hadoop, HBase, Katta, and more to collect, parse, store, and search hundreds of millions of Social Media content. We get incredibly fast throughput and very low latency on commodity hardware. HBase enables our business to exist.
The WorldLingo Multilingual Archive. We use HBase to store millions of documents that we scan using Map/Reduce jobs to machine translate them into all or selected target languages from our set of available machine translation languages. We currently store 12 million documents but plan to eventually reach the 450 million mark. HBase allows us to scale out as we need to grow our storage capacities. Combined with Hadoop to keep the data replicated and therefore fail-safe we have the backbone our service can rely on now and in the future. !WorldLingo is using HBase since December 2007 and is along with a few others one of the longest running HBase installation. Currently we are running the latest HBase 0.20 and serving directly from it at MultilingualArchive.
Yahoo! uses HBase to store document fingerprint for detecting near-duplications. We have a cluster of few nodes that runs HDFS, mapreduce, and HBase. The table contains millions of rows. We use this for querying duplicated documents with realtime traffic.
HP IceWall SSO
HP IceWall SSO is a web-based single sign-on solution and uses HBase to store user data to authenticate users. We have supported RDB and LDAP previously but have newly supported HBase with a view to authenticate over tens of millions of users and devices.
  • operating a Cloudera Hadoop/HBase cluster for media monitoring purpose
  • offering technical and operative consulting for the Hadoop stack + ecosystem
  • editor of Hannibal, a open-source tool to visualize HBase regions sizes and splits that helps running HBase in production