So create the people which will be involved in the "Members Tab". You need to enter an existing person and company (partyGroup).
Persons and companies (PartyGroup) need to be added in the party component first before they can be used in the Scrum component.

1. Add members into scrum component

The purpose of this is to add member into the scrum component. There are 3 screenlets to perform on the screen include with:

  1. Find Scrum Member

  2. Add Scrum Member

  3. Scrum Members List

2. Find Scrum Member

To find member who is in the Scrum Component.There 5 criterias to identify - Company,Last Name,First Name,Middle Name and Group Id.

Then, click the button "Find" the solution will display on the Scrum Members List screenlet.

3. Add Scrum Member

To add the member the Scrum Component by selecting at Company and Person and Group Id. Then, click the button "Add" the solution will display on the Scrum Members List screenlet.

4. Scrum Members List

This screenlet will show all of member who are in the Scrum Component by default. There is the remove button for each list to remove member out form the Scrum Component.