1. How to add shipping methods?

  1. Enter 'Shipment Method Name ' (ex:'LocalDelivery')

  2. Select 'product store' (ex:'OFBiz E-Commerce Store [9000]')

  3. Enter 'Amount'

  4. Enter 'Additional Amount' (if you want )

  5. Enter 'Additional Percent' (if you want )

  6. Enter 'Method Type Enum Id' (ex:Flat Rate Shipping)

  7. Enter 'Carrier Party Id' select from lookup (Default is UPS)

  8. select 'Shipment Method Type Id'

  9. Press the 'Add' button to add shipping method.

2. How to update shipping methods?

  1. Update the fields required in the screen

  2. Press the 'Update' button

3. How to delete shipping methods?

  1. Press the 'Delete' button in each shipping method