* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.tomcat.websocket;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.AsynchronousChannelGroup;
import java.nio.channels.AsynchronousSocketChannel;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Base64;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;
import jakarta.websocket.ClientEndpoint;
import jakarta.websocket.ClientEndpointConfig;
import jakarta.websocket.CloseReason;
import jakarta.websocket.CloseReason.CloseCodes;
import jakarta.websocket.DeploymentException;
import jakarta.websocket.Endpoint;
import jakarta.websocket.Extension;
import jakarta.websocket.HandshakeResponse;
import jakarta.websocket.Session;
import jakarta.websocket.WebSocketContainer;
import org.apache.juli.logging.Log;
import org.apache.juli.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.tomcat.InstanceManager;
import org.apache.tomcat.InstanceManagerBindings;
import org.apache.tomcat.util.buf.StringUtils;
import org.apache.tomcat.util.collections.CaseInsensitiveKeyMap;
import org.apache.tomcat.util.res.StringManager;
public class WsWebSocketContainer implements WebSocketContainer, BackgroundProcess {
private static final StringManager sm = StringManager.getManager(WsWebSocketContainer.class);
private static final Random RANDOM = new Random();
private static final byte[] CRLF = new byte[] { 13, 10 };
private static final byte[] GET_BYTES = "GET ".getBytes(StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1);
private static final byte[] ROOT_URI_BYTES = "/".getBytes(StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1);
private static final byte[] HTTP_VERSION_BYTES = " HTTP/1.1\r\n".getBytes(StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1);
private volatile AsynchronousChannelGroup asynchronousChannelGroup = null;
private final Object asynchronousChannelGroupLock = new Object();
private final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(WsWebSocketContainer.class); // must not be static
// Server side uses the endpoint path as the key
// Client side uses the client endpoint instance
private final Map<Object, Set<WsSession>> endpointSessionMap = new HashMap<>();
private final Map<WsSession, WsSession> sessions = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private final Object endPointSessionMapLock = new Object();
private long defaultAsyncTimeout = -1;
private int maxBinaryMessageBufferSize = Constants.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE;
private int maxTextMessageBufferSize = Constants.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE;
private volatile long defaultMaxSessionIdleTimeout = 0;
private int backgroundProcessCount = 0;
private int processPeriod = Constants.DEFAULT_PROCESS_PERIOD;
private InstanceManager instanceManager;
protected InstanceManager getInstanceManager(ClassLoader classLoader) {
if (instanceManager != null) {
return instanceManager;
return InstanceManagerBindings.get(classLoader);
protected void setInstanceManager(InstanceManager instanceManager) {
this.instanceManager = instanceManager;
public Session connectToServer(Object pojo, URI path) throws DeploymentException {
ClientEndpointConfig config = createClientEndpointConfig(pojo.getClass());
ClientEndpointHolder holder = new PojoHolder(pojo, config);
return connectToServerRecursive(holder, config, path, new HashSet<>());
public Session connectToServer(Class<?> annotatedEndpointClass, URI path) throws DeploymentException {
ClientEndpointConfig config = createClientEndpointConfig(annotatedEndpointClass);
ClientEndpointHolder holder = new PojoClassHolder(annotatedEndpointClass, config);
return connectToServerRecursive(holder, config, path, new HashSet<>());
private ClientEndpointConfig createClientEndpointConfig(Class<?> annotatedEndpointClass)
throws DeploymentException {
ClientEndpoint annotation = annotatedEndpointClass.getAnnotation(ClientEndpoint.class);
if (annotation == null) {
throw new DeploymentException(
sm.getString("wsWebSocketContainer.missingAnnotation", annotatedEndpointClass.getName()));
Class<? extends ClientEndpointConfig.Configurator> configuratorClazz = annotation.configurator();
ClientEndpointConfig.Configurator configurator = null;
if (!ClientEndpointConfig.Configurator.class.equals(configuratorClazz)) {
try {
configurator = configuratorClazz.getConstructor().newInstance();
} catch (ReflectiveOperationException e) {
throw new DeploymentException(sm.getString("wsWebSocketContainer.defaultConfiguratorFail"), e);
ClientEndpointConfig.Builder builder = ClientEndpointConfig.Builder.create();
// Avoid NPE when using RI API JAR - see BZ 56343
if (configurator != null) {
ClientEndpointConfig config = builder.decoders(Arrays.asList(annotation.decoders()))
return config;
public Session connectToServer(Class<? extends Endpoint> clazz, ClientEndpointConfig clientEndpointConfiguration,
URI path) throws DeploymentException {
ClientEndpointHolder holder = new EndpointClassHolder(clazz);
return connectToServerRecursive(holder, clientEndpointConfiguration, path, new HashSet<>());
public Session connectToServer(Endpoint endpoint, ClientEndpointConfig clientEndpointConfiguration, URI path)
throws DeploymentException {
ClientEndpointHolder holder = new EndpointHolder(endpoint);
return connectToServerRecursive(holder, clientEndpointConfiguration, path, new HashSet<>());
private Session connectToServerRecursive(ClientEndpointHolder clientEndpointHolder,
ClientEndpointConfig clientEndpointConfiguration, URI path, Set<URI> redirectSet)
throws DeploymentException {
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
log.trace(sm.getString("wsWebSocketContainer.connect.entry", clientEndpointHolder.getClassName(), path));
boolean secure = false;
ByteBuffer proxyConnect = null;
URI proxyPath;
// Validate scheme (and build proxyPath)
String scheme = path.getScheme();
if ("ws".equalsIgnoreCase(scheme)) {
proxyPath = URI.create("http" + path.toString().substring(2));
} else if ("wss".equalsIgnoreCase(scheme)) {
proxyPath = URI.create("https" + path.toString().substring(3));
secure = true;
} else {
throw new DeploymentException(sm.getString("wsWebSocketContainer.pathWrongScheme", scheme));
// Validate host
String host = path.getHost();
if (host == null) {
throw new DeploymentException(sm.getString("wsWebSocketContainer.pathNoHost"));
int port = path.getPort();
SocketAddress sa = null;
// Check to see if a proxy is configured. Javadoc indicates return value
// will never be null
List<Proxy> proxies = ProxySelector.getDefault().select(proxyPath);
Proxy selectedProxy = null;
for (Proxy proxy : proxies) {
if (proxy.type().equals(Proxy.Type.HTTP)) {
sa = proxy.address();
if (sa instanceof InetSocketAddress) {
InetSocketAddress inet = (InetSocketAddress) sa;
if (inet.isUnresolved()) {
sa = new InetSocketAddress(inet.getHostName(), inet.getPort());
selectedProxy = proxy;
// If the port is not explicitly specified, compute it based on the
// scheme
if (port == -1) {
if ("ws".equalsIgnoreCase(scheme)) {
port = 80;
} else {
// Must be wss due to scheme validation above
port = 443;
Map<String, Object> userProperties = clientEndpointConfiguration.getUserProperties();
// If sa is null, no proxy is configured so need to create sa
if (sa == null) {
sa = new InetSocketAddress(host, port);
} else {
proxyConnect = createProxyRequest(host, port,
(String) userProperties.get(Constants.PROXY_AUTHORIZATION_HEADER_NAME));
// Create the initial HTTP request to open the WebSocket connection
Map<String, List<String>> reqHeaders = createRequestHeaders(host, port, secure, clientEndpointConfiguration);
if (Constants.DEFAULT_ORIGIN_HEADER_VALUE != null && !reqHeaders.containsKey(Constants.ORIGIN_HEADER_NAME)) {
List<String> originValues = new ArrayList<>(1);
reqHeaders.put(Constants.ORIGIN_HEADER_NAME, originValues);
ByteBuffer request = createRequest(path, reqHeaders);
// Get the connection timeout
long timeout = Constants.IO_TIMEOUT_MS_DEFAULT;
String timeoutValue = (String) userProperties.get(Constants.IO_TIMEOUT_MS_PROPERTY);
if (timeoutValue != null) {
timeout = Long.valueOf(timeoutValue).intValue();
AsynchronousSocketChannel socketChannel;
try {
socketChannel =;
} catch (IOException ioe) {
throw new DeploymentException(sm.getString("wsWebSocketContainer.asynchronousSocketChannelFail"), ioe);
// Set-up
// Same size as the WsFrame input buffer
ByteBuffer response = ByteBuffer.allocate(getDefaultMaxBinaryMessageBufferSize());
String subProtocol;
boolean success = false;
List<Extension> extensionsAgreed = new ArrayList<>();
Transformation transformation = null;
AsyncChannelWrapper channel = null;
try {
// Open the connection
Future<Void> fConnect = socketChannel.connect(sa);
if (proxyConnect != null) {
fConnect.get(timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
// Proxy CONNECT is clear text
channel = new AsyncChannelWrapperNonSecure(socketChannel);
writeRequest(channel, proxyConnect, timeout);
HttpResponse httpResponse = processResponse(response, channel, timeout);
if (httpResponse.status == Constants.PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED) {
return processAuthenticationChallenge(clientEndpointHolder, clientEndpointConfiguration, path,
redirectSet, userProperties, request, httpResponse, AuthenticationType.PROXY);
} else if (httpResponse.getStatus() != 200) {
throw new DeploymentException(sm.getString("wsWebSocketContainer.proxyConnectFail", selectedProxy,
if (secure) {
// Regardless of whether a non-secure wrapper was created for a
// proxy CONNECT, need to use TLS from this point on so wrap the
// original AsynchronousSocketChannel
SSLEngine sslEngine = createSSLEngine(clientEndpointConfiguration, host, port);
channel = new AsyncChannelWrapperSecure(socketChannel, sslEngine);
} else if (channel == null) {
// Only need to wrap as this point if it wasn't wrapped to process a
// proxy CONNECT
channel = new AsyncChannelWrapperNonSecure(socketChannel);
fConnect.get(timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
Future<Void> fHandshake = channel.handshake();
fHandshake.get(timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
SocketAddress localAddress = null;
try {
localAddress = channel.getLocalAddress();
} catch (IOException ioe) {
// Ignore
log.trace(sm.getString("wsWebSocketContainer.connect.write", Integer.valueOf(request.position()),
Integer.valueOf(request.limit()), localAddress));
writeRequest(channel, request, timeout);
HttpResponse httpResponse = processResponse(response, channel, timeout);
// Check maximum permitted redirects
int maxRedirects = Constants.MAX_REDIRECTIONS_DEFAULT;
String maxRedirectsValue = (String) userProperties.get(Constants.MAX_REDIRECTIONS_PROPERTY);
if (maxRedirectsValue != null) {
maxRedirects = Integer.parseInt(maxRedirectsValue);
if (httpResponse.status != 101) {
if (isRedirectStatus(httpResponse.status)) {
List<String> locationHeader = httpResponse.getHandshakeResponse().getHeaders()
if (locationHeader == null || locationHeader.isEmpty() || locationHeader.get(0) == null ||
locationHeader.get(0).isEmpty()) {
throw new DeploymentException(sm.getString("wsWebSocketContainer.missingLocationHeader",
URI redirectLocation = URI.create(locationHeader.get(0)).normalize();
if (!redirectLocation.isAbsolute()) {
redirectLocation = path.resolve(redirectLocation);
String redirectScheme = redirectLocation.getScheme().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
if (redirectScheme.startsWith("http")) {
redirectLocation = new URI(redirectScheme.replace("http", "ws"), redirectLocation.getUserInfo(),
redirectLocation.getHost(), redirectLocation.getPort(), redirectLocation.getPath(),
redirectLocation.getQuery(), redirectLocation.getFragment());
if (!redirectSet.add(redirectLocation) || redirectSet.size() > maxRedirects) {
throw new DeploymentException(
sm.getString("wsWebSocketContainer.redirectThreshold", redirectLocation,
Integer.toString(redirectSet.size()), Integer.toString(maxRedirects)));
return connectToServerRecursive(clientEndpointHolder, clientEndpointConfiguration, redirectLocation,
} else if (httpResponse.status == Constants.UNAUTHORIZED) {
return processAuthenticationChallenge(clientEndpointHolder, clientEndpointConfiguration, path,
redirectSet, userProperties, request, httpResponse, AuthenticationType.WWW);
} else {
throw new DeploymentException(
sm.getString("wsWebSocketContainer.invalidStatus", Integer.toString(httpResponse.status)));
HandshakeResponse handshakeResponse = httpResponse.getHandshakeResponse();
// Sub-protocol
List<String> protocolHeaders = handshakeResponse.getHeaders().get(Constants.WS_PROTOCOL_HEADER_NAME);
if (protocolHeaders == null || protocolHeaders.size() == 0) {
subProtocol = null;
} else if (protocolHeaders.size() == 1) {
subProtocol = protocolHeaders.get(0);
} else {
throw new DeploymentException(sm.getString("wsWebSocketContainer.invalidSubProtocol"));
// Extensions
// Should normally only be one header but handle the case of
// multiple headers
List<String> extHeaders = handshakeResponse.getHeaders().get(Constants.WS_EXTENSIONS_HEADER_NAME);
if (extHeaders != null) {
for (String extHeader : extHeaders) {
Util.parseExtensionHeader(extensionsAgreed, extHeader);
// Build the transformations
TransformationFactory factory = TransformationFactory.getInstance();
for (Extension extension : extensionsAgreed) {
List<List<Extension.Parameter>> wrapper = new ArrayList<>(1);
Transformation t = factory.create(extension.getName(), wrapper, false);
if (t == null) {
throw new DeploymentException(sm.getString("wsWebSocketContainer.invalidExtensionParameters"));
if (transformation == null) {
transformation = t;
} else {
success = true;
} catch (ExecutionException | InterruptedException | SSLException | EOFException | TimeoutException
| URISyntaxException | AuthenticationException e) {
throw new DeploymentException(sm.getString("wsWebSocketContainer.httpRequestFailed", path), e);
} finally {
if (!success) {
if (channel != null) {
} else {
try {
} catch (IOException ioe) {
// Ignore
// Switch to WebSocket
WsRemoteEndpointImplClient wsRemoteEndpointClient = new WsRemoteEndpointImplClient(channel);
WsSession wsSession = new WsSession(clientEndpointHolder, wsRemoteEndpointClient, this, extensionsAgreed,
subProtocol, Collections.<String, String>emptyMap(), secure, clientEndpointConfiguration);
WsFrameClient wsFrameClient = new WsFrameClient(response, channel, wsSession, transformation);
// WsFrame adds the necessary final transformations. Copy the
// completed transformation chain to the remote end point.
wsSession.getLocal().onOpen(wsSession, clientEndpointConfiguration);
registerSession(wsSession.getLocal(), wsSession);
* It is possible that the server sent one or more messages as soon as the WebSocket connection was established.
* Depending on the exact timing of when those messages were sent they could be sat in the input buffer waiting
* to be read and will not trigger a "data available to read" event. Therefore, it is necessary to process the
* input buffer here. Note that this happens on the current thread which means that this thread will be used for
* any onMessage notifications. This is a special case. Subsequent "data available to read" events will be
* handled by threads from the AsyncChannelGroup's executor.
return wsSession;
private Session processAuthenticationChallenge(ClientEndpointHolder clientEndpointHolder,
ClientEndpointConfig clientEndpointConfiguration, URI path, Set<URI> redirectSet,
Map<String, Object> userProperties, ByteBuffer request, HttpResponse httpResponse,
AuthenticationType authenticationType) throws DeploymentException, AuthenticationException {
if (userProperties.get(authenticationType.getAuthorizationHeaderName()) != null) {
throw new DeploymentException(sm.getString("wsWebSocketContainer.failedAuthentication",
Integer.valueOf(httpResponse.status), authenticationType.getAuthorizationHeaderName()));
List<String> authenticateHeaders = httpResponse.getHandshakeResponse().getHeaders()
if (authenticateHeaders == null || authenticateHeaders.isEmpty() || authenticateHeaders.get(0) == null ||
authenticateHeaders.get(0).isEmpty()) {
throw new DeploymentException(sm.getString("wsWebSocketContainer.missingAuthenticateHeader",
Integer.toString(httpResponse.status), authenticationType.getAuthenticateHeaderName()));
String authScheme = authenticateHeaders.get(0).split("\\s+", 2)[0];
Authenticator auth = AuthenticatorFactory.getAuthenticator(authScheme);
if (auth == null) {
throw new DeploymentException(sm.getString("wsWebSocketContainer.unsupportedAuthScheme",
Integer.valueOf(httpResponse.status), authScheme));
String requestUri = new String(request.array(), StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1).split("\\s", 3)[1];
auth.getAuthorization(requestUri, authenticateHeaders.get(0),
(String) userProperties.get(authenticationType.getUserNameProperty()),
(String) userProperties.get(authenticationType.getUserPasswordProperty()),
(String) userProperties.get(authenticationType.getUserRealmProperty())));
return connectToServerRecursive(clientEndpointHolder, clientEndpointConfiguration, path, redirectSet);
private static void writeRequest(AsyncChannelWrapper channel, ByteBuffer request, long timeout)
throws TimeoutException, InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
int toWrite = request.limit();
Future<Integer> fWrite = channel.write(request);
Integer thisWrite = fWrite.get(timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
toWrite -= thisWrite.intValue();
while (toWrite > 0) {
fWrite = channel.write(request);
thisWrite = fWrite.get(timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
toWrite -= thisWrite.intValue();
private static boolean isRedirectStatus(int httpResponseCode) {
boolean isRedirect = false;
switch (httpResponseCode) {
case Constants.MULTIPLE_CHOICES:
case Constants.FOUND:
case Constants.SEE_OTHER:
case Constants.USE_PROXY:
isRedirect = true;
return isRedirect;
private static ByteBuffer createProxyRequest(String host, int port, String authorizationHeader) {
StringBuilder request = new StringBuilder();
request.append("CONNECT ");
request.append(" HTTP/1.1\r\nProxy-Connection: keep-alive\r\nConnection: keepalive\r\nHost: ");
if (authorizationHeader != null) {
byte[] bytes = request.toString().getBytes(StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1);
return ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes);
protected void registerSession(Object key, WsSession wsSession) {
if (!wsSession.isOpen()) {
// The session was closed during onOpen. No need to register it.
synchronized (endPointSessionMapLock) {
if (endpointSessionMap.size() == 0) {
endpointSessionMap.computeIfAbsent(key, k -> new HashSet<>()).add(wsSession);
sessions.put(wsSession, wsSession);
protected void unregisterSession(Object key, WsSession wsSession) {
synchronized (endPointSessionMapLock) {
Set<WsSession> wsSessions = endpointSessionMap.get(key);
if (wsSessions != null) {
if (wsSessions.size() == 0) {
if (endpointSessionMap.size() == 0) {
Set<Session> getOpenSessions(Object key) {
HashSet<Session> result = new HashSet<>();
synchronized (endPointSessionMapLock) {
Set<WsSession> sessions = endpointSessionMap.get(key);
if (sessions != null) {
// Some sessions may be in the process of closing
for (WsSession session : sessions) {
if (session.isOpen()) {
return result;
private static Map<String, List<String>> createRequestHeaders(String host, int port, boolean secure,
ClientEndpointConfig clientEndpointConfiguration) {
Map<String, List<String>> headers = new HashMap<>();
List<Extension> extensions = clientEndpointConfiguration.getExtensions();
List<String> subProtocols = clientEndpointConfiguration.getPreferredSubprotocols();
Map<String, Object> userProperties = clientEndpointConfiguration.getUserProperties();
if (userProperties.get(Constants.AUTHORIZATION_HEADER_NAME) != null) {
List<String> authValues = new ArrayList<>(1);
authValues.add((String) userProperties.get(Constants.AUTHORIZATION_HEADER_NAME));
headers.put(Constants.AUTHORIZATION_HEADER_NAME, authValues);
// Host header
List<String> hostValues = new ArrayList<>(1);
if (port == 80 && !secure || port == 443 && secure) {
// Default ports. Do not include port in host header
} else {
hostValues.add(host + ':' + port);
headers.put(Constants.HOST_HEADER_NAME, hostValues);
// Upgrade header
List<String> upgradeValues = new ArrayList<>(1);
headers.put(Constants.UPGRADE_HEADER_NAME, upgradeValues);
// Connection header
List<String> connectionValues = new ArrayList<>(1);
headers.put(Constants.CONNECTION_HEADER_NAME, connectionValues);
// WebSocket version header
List<String> wsVersionValues = new ArrayList<>(1);
headers.put(Constants.WS_VERSION_HEADER_NAME, wsVersionValues);
// WebSocket key
List<String> wsKeyValues = new ArrayList<>(1);
headers.put(Constants.WS_KEY_HEADER_NAME, wsKeyValues);
// WebSocket sub-protocols
if (subProtocols != null && subProtocols.size() > 0) {
headers.put(Constants.WS_PROTOCOL_HEADER_NAME, subProtocols);
// WebSocket extensions
if (extensions != null && extensions.size() > 0) {
headers.put(Constants.WS_EXTENSIONS_HEADER_NAME, generateExtensionHeaders(extensions));
return headers;
private static List<String> generateExtensionHeaders(List<Extension> extensions) {
List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(extensions.size());
for (Extension extension : extensions) {
StringBuilder header = new StringBuilder();
for (Extension.Parameter param : extension.getParameters()) {
String value = param.getValue();
if (value != null && value.length() > 0) {
return result;
private static String generateWsKeyValue() {
byte[] keyBytes = new byte[16];
return Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(keyBytes);
private static ByteBuffer createRequest(URI uri, Map<String, List<String>> reqHeaders) {
ByteBuffer result = ByteBuffer.allocate(4 * 1024);
// Request line
final String path = uri.getPath();
if (null == path || path.isEmpty()) {
} else {
String query = uri.getRawQuery();
if (query != null) {
result.put((byte) '?');
// Headers
for (Entry<String, List<String>> entry : reqHeaders.entrySet()) {
result = addHeader(result, entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
// Terminating CRLF
return result;
private static ByteBuffer addHeader(ByteBuffer result, String key, List<String> values) {
if (values.isEmpty()) {
return result;
result = putWithExpand(result, key.getBytes(StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1));
result = putWithExpand(result, ": ".getBytes(StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1));
result = putWithExpand(result, StringUtils.join(values).getBytes(StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1));
result = putWithExpand(result, CRLF);
return result;
private static ByteBuffer putWithExpand(ByteBuffer input, byte[] bytes) {
if (bytes.length > input.remaining()) {
int newSize;
if (bytes.length > input.capacity()) {
newSize = 2 * bytes.length;
} else {
newSize = input.capacity() * 2;
ByteBuffer expanded = ByteBuffer.allocate(newSize);
input = expanded;
return input.put(bytes);
* Process response, blocking until HTTP response has been fully received.
* @throws ExecutionException if there is an exception reading the response
* @throws InterruptedException if the thread is interrupted while reading the response
* @throws DeploymentException if the response status line is not correctly formatted
* @throws TimeoutException if the response was not read within the expected timeout
private HttpResponse processResponse(ByteBuffer response, AsyncChannelWrapper channel, long timeout)
throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, DeploymentException, EOFException, TimeoutException {
Map<String, List<String>> headers = new CaseInsensitiveKeyMap<>();
int status = 0;
boolean readStatus = false;
boolean readHeaders = false;
String line = null;
while (!readHeaders) {
// On entering loop buffer will be empty and at the start of a new
// loop the buffer will have been fully read.
// Blocking read
Future<Integer> read =;
Integer bytesRead;
try {
bytesRead = read.get(timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
} catch (TimeoutException e) {
TimeoutException te = new TimeoutException(
sm.getString("wsWebSocketContainer.responseFail", Integer.toString(status), headers));
throw te;
if (bytesRead.intValue() == -1) {
throw new EOFException(
sm.getString("wsWebSocketContainer.responseFail", Integer.toString(status), headers));
while (response.hasRemaining() && !readHeaders) {
if (line == null) {
line = readLine(response);
} else {
line += readLine(response);
if ("\r\n".equals(line)) {
readHeaders = true;
} else if (line.endsWith("\r\n")) {
if (readStatus) {
parseHeaders(line, headers);
} else {
status = parseStatus(line);
readStatus = true;
line = null;
return new HttpResponse(status, new WsHandshakeResponse(headers));
private int parseStatus(String line) throws DeploymentException {
// This client only understands HTTP 1.
// RFC2616 is case specific
String[] parts = line.trim().split(" ");
// CONNECT for proxy may return a 1.0 response
if (parts.length < 2 || !("HTTP/1.0".equals(parts[0]) || "HTTP/1.1".equals(parts[0]))) {
throw new DeploymentException(sm.getString("wsWebSocketContainer.invalidStatus", line));
try {
return Integer.parseInt(parts[1]);
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
throw new DeploymentException(sm.getString("wsWebSocketContainer.invalidStatus", line));
private void parseHeaders(String line, Map<String, List<String>> headers) {
// Treat headers as single values by default.
int index = line.indexOf(':');
if (index == -1) {
log.warn(sm.getString("wsWebSocketContainer.invalidHeader", line));
// Header names are case insensitive so always use lower case
String headerName = line.substring(0, index).trim().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
// Multi-value headers are stored as a single header and the client is
// expected to handle splitting into individual values
String headerValue = line.substring(index + 1).trim();
List<String> values = headers.computeIfAbsent(headerName, k -> new ArrayList<>(1));
private String readLine(ByteBuffer response) {
// All ISO-8859-1
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
char c = 0;
while (response.hasRemaining()) {
c = (char) response.get();
if (c == 10) {
return sb.toString();
private SSLEngine createSSLEngine(ClientEndpointConfig clientEndpointConfig, String host, int port)
throws DeploymentException {
try {
// See if a custom SSLContext has been provided
SSLContext sslContext = clientEndpointConfig.getSSLContext();
if (sslContext == null) {
// Create the SSL Context
sslContext = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS");
sslContext.init(null, null, null);
SSLEngine engine = sslContext.createSSLEngine(host, port);
// Enable host verification
// Start with current settings (returns a copy)
SSLParameters sslParams = engine.getSSLParameters();
// Use HTTPS since WebSocket starts over HTTP(S)
// Write the parameters back
return engine;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new DeploymentException(sm.getString("wsWebSocketContainer.sslEngineFail"), e);
public long getDefaultMaxSessionIdleTimeout() {
return defaultMaxSessionIdleTimeout;
public void setDefaultMaxSessionIdleTimeout(long timeout) {
this.defaultMaxSessionIdleTimeout = timeout;
public int getDefaultMaxBinaryMessageBufferSize() {
return maxBinaryMessageBufferSize;
public void setDefaultMaxBinaryMessageBufferSize(int max) {
maxBinaryMessageBufferSize = max;
public int getDefaultMaxTextMessageBufferSize() {
return maxTextMessageBufferSize;
public void setDefaultMaxTextMessageBufferSize(int max) {
maxTextMessageBufferSize = max;
* {@inheritDoc} Currently, this implementation does not support any extensions.
public Set<Extension> getInstalledExtensions() {
return Collections.emptySet();
* {@inheritDoc} The default value for this implementation is -1.
public long getDefaultAsyncSendTimeout() {
return defaultAsyncTimeout;
* {@inheritDoc} The default value for this implementation is -1.
public void setAsyncSendTimeout(long timeout) {
this.defaultAsyncTimeout = timeout;
* Cleans up the resources still in use by WebSocket sessions created from this container. This includes closing
* sessions and cancelling {@link Future}s associated with blocking read/writes.
public void destroy() {
CloseReason cr = new CloseReason(CloseCodes.GOING_AWAY, sm.getString("wsWebSocketContainer.shutdown"));
for (WsSession session : sessions.keySet()) {
try {
} catch (IOException ioe) {
log.debug(sm.getString("wsWebSocketContainer.sessionCloseFail", session.getId()), ioe);
// Only unregister with AsyncChannelGroupUtil if this instance
// registered with it
if (asynchronousChannelGroup != null) {
synchronized (asynchronousChannelGroupLock) {
if (asynchronousChannelGroup != null) {
asynchronousChannelGroup = null;
private AsynchronousChannelGroup getAsynchronousChannelGroup() {
// Use AsyncChannelGroupUtil to share a common group amongst all
// WebSocket clients
AsynchronousChannelGroup result = asynchronousChannelGroup;
if (result == null) {
synchronized (asynchronousChannelGroupLock) {
if (asynchronousChannelGroup == null) {
asynchronousChannelGroup = AsyncChannelGroupUtil.register();
result = asynchronousChannelGroup;
return result;
// ----------------------------------------------- BackgroundProcess methods
public void backgroundProcess() {
// This method gets called once a second.
if (backgroundProcessCount >= processPeriod) {
backgroundProcessCount = 0;
// Check all registered sessions.
for (WsSession wsSession : sessions.keySet()) {
public void setProcessPeriod(int period) {
this.processPeriod = period;
* {@inheritDoc} The default value is 10 which means session expirations are processed every 10 seconds.
public int getProcessPeriod() {
return processPeriod;
private static class HttpResponse {
private final int status;
private final HandshakeResponse handshakeResponse;
HttpResponse(int status, HandshakeResponse handshakeResponse) {
this.status = status;
this.handshakeResponse = handshakeResponse;
public int getStatus() {
return status;
public HandshakeResponse getHandshakeResponse() {
return handshakeResponse;